Only Now
Only Now
“The farthest place on earth is the hour that is just over. Make the best use of the hour that has just begun.”
Dada Vaswani (1918- ) Hindu author and philosopher
You hear a lot these days, at least in spiritual realms, about “being in the now,” about “mindfulness” and “presence.”
And with good reason; ours is perhaps the most distracted age of all time. There just seems to be too much of everything except time and energy.
The world always seems to be screaming at us, demanding that we look in the direction it wants us to, probably to sell us something.
“Look at this! Not that” or perhaps more accurately, “Pay attention to what we want, not to what you want.”
It’s so easy to get off the track ‒ to be “distracted” and distraction is a dangerous state because we often miss what we don’t want to miss; our priorities can get easily skewed.
An hour is just beginning for you right now. “Make the best use” of it.
(Sometimes the best use of an hour is being still, enjoying silence, doing nothing ‒ intentionally.)
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Photo by George Hiles on Unsplash