Retirement: Now and Later
Retirement: Now and Later
“I try to treat each evening and weekend as little slices of retirement because no one is guaranteed a lengthy one at the end of their career. If we wait until retirement to enjoy ourselves, there may not be enough of ourselves to enjoy it.”
Mike Hammar, American musician
This is a dilemma that I have been coping with most of my career, both personally and with clients: people who really need the kind of time I encourage ‒ still time, quiet and relaxed ‒ are the very people who are the busiest, the most stressed out, who have the least amount of available time, and who need it the most. Those who are “retired” or not working, and thus who need it less, often have no problem fitting in “Stopping” time.
What to do? If you are in the first group mentioned above, the “working stressed,” whatever your answer is, I strongly suggest that you do something! And do it now, to bring times of quiet, peace, and fun into your life.
Accomplishing this is an exercise of your creativity. What can you come up with? As a start, Mike Hammar gives a good suggestion above. In the meantime, we retired folks can encourage/facilitate our over-busy, working family and friends to get more times of peace and relaxation.
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