


“We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything, than when we are at play.”

Charles E. Schaefer (1933- ) American psychologist;

“Father Play Therapy”

I agree with Schaefer. Do you? “Fully alive” ‒ “completely yourself” ‒ “deeply engrossed” ‒ those are pretty great states of being.

Play ‒ or “to do activities for fun or enjoyment” (Webster) ‒ has gone missing from the lives of too many of us. In previous decades, leisure time was often built into our daily lives; that was the time we played. But seldom any more. Our time often gets filled to the brim with what we “have to do.”

Happy and clever the person who simply does not let this serious imbalance happen, who makes time for play as often as possible during the week, and frequently playing with others. No one can really tell you how to do this ‒ but you can do it.

How do I play? How do I have fun?

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Photo by K I L I A N 📷 on Unsplash

White Space
White Space
White Space


by David Kundtz time to read: 5 min