“Kundtz is an innovator in bringing the ancient wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions to modern readers, using language and concepts familiar to the contemporary, and too often pre-occupied, western mind…” (from an amazon review)
“To do nothing is a great accomplishment. It provides you with great potential. Learn to lose track of time… and read this book.” —Bernie Segal, MD, Love, Medicine, and Miracles
“Stopping is a guide to sanity. Articulate and insightful…
—Lauren Artress, Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth
“Kundtz’s book is an oasis, a stopping off place to heal one’s life and rediscover one’s true purpose for being ‘here’.”
—Ron Roth, The Healing Path of Prayer
“This book is a wonderful way to introduce the concept of meditation as a part of life without ever calling it meditation. I’ll be using it with all my clients who are reluctant to try meditation for fear it won’t fit with their lifestyles.”
—Amazon.com Reviewer
“This is a beautiful book. It will make a good gift for a busy friend who knows something is lacking from life but doesn’t know what that “something” is, or how to get it. It will make a good gift to yourself. Dr. David Kundtz has made this important part of life accessible to all of us. Read it!”
—Amazon.com Reviewer
“This book is a miracle of mindfulness! In short segments that can be read in less than 10 minutes, Kundtz manages to distill the philosophy of Christian, Buddhist, and other religious traditions in a way that is refreshingly non-sectarian.”
“I have enjoyed this book so much, that I bought four more for Christmas gifts. One of those incidental purchases that turned into a real find.”
—Amazon.com Reviewer
“Quiet Mind is such a thought provoking book. It points out issues that, in our ridiculously busy lives, we forget to even think about”
—Amazon.com Reviewer
“This book is full of wonderful little “nuggets” of insight and inspiration! I use it all the time in my profession as a resource for opening a discussion. Just love it! Highly recommend.”
—Amazon.com Reviewer
“The quick, two-page bursts of thought are perfect. They really are one-minute retreats.”
—Amazon.com Reviewer
“This book is a gem !” And the reflections “are just the right length to enlighten, inspire, and give you a few moments of peace.” Reviewer on amazon.com
“I use it every morning. Simply stated, it’s inspiring and transforming.” Reviewer on amazon.com
—Aleesha Stephenson, timelessspirit.com
“I have been a fan of David Kundtz for many years. Awakened Mind is his most profound work ever. Read it and be inspired.”
—M J Ryan, author of Attitudes of Gratitude
“Delightful treats. One-minute nutrition for your spirit.”
—Mary Anne Radmacher, author, artist
—Thomas Baynham, Jr. (amazon)
“Very helpful introduction to best practices in pastoral care for LGBT folks.”
—Margaret Rodrigues (amazon)
—Elissa Perry, writer, artist
“With personal stories that soon become universal tales, as well as with poems, plays, letters, and diary entries, David Kundtz has assembled an easily accessible and beautifully written book with its own unique and wonderful style that has all the warmth and charm of a Thornton Wilder classic.”
—Allen Klein, author of the Healing Power of Humor
“Nothing’s Wrong” is simple, short, straightforward, easy-to-read and very perceptive. Kundtz’s ‘three steps’ give men and boys a clear guide to emotional fitness. I think this book is really going to change lives.”
– Michael Gurian, author of
“What Could He Be Thinking: How a Man’s Mind Really Works” and “The wonder of Boys.”